Quick, Delicious, Healthy & Fun Anutra Recipe Tips!
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This book outlines the enormous benefits of Anutra Grain and how it helps to keep you healthy and how it can be utilized in our every day lives. Mr. Morini recommends simple eating and lifestyle changes which will affect how we feel, how we look, how we act, the quality of the air we breathe, the land we love, the water we drink, our climate, and the more than 800 million people around the world who are hungry. How civilized is our world if we allow one million children to die needlessly each week? I will tell you how simple it is to dramatically reduce our caloric intake and improve your health by changing very little in your lifestyle and, at the same time, help the world economy, the environment, and ultimately our fellow man. This book also contains 175 healthy recipes. Thank you for this opportunity to tell you more. Share these principles with others you love and care about.