Anutra Presents Unique and Exclusive Business Opportunity

New Business Opportunity Presented By Marilyn And Angelo

Founding Partner Programs

The Anutra Founding Partner Program offers you the opportunity to have a part-time or full-time business with complete flexibility and unlimited income. Once you get your RD (retail direct) and S (sales) codes number you have them for the rest of your life enabling a primary or secondary income opportunity that you will never lose.

  • Fill out Founding Partner Application
  • Purchase your ANUTRA BUSINESS STARTER PROGRAM ( Purchase Program ) and information regarding Anutra University Certificate of Achievement. The purpose of the ANUTRA BUSINESS STARTER PROGRAM is to let you experience seven of our key products and to give you the Anutra University Certificate Of Achievement to make sure important information is reviewed and understood. You will receive all you need to be successful. After you have gone over information and the website a phone conversation will be scheduled with you and Anutra to go over pertinent information. After the review of information and you ordering your business cards (see * below), you will receive your Anutra University Certificate Of Achievement and your “RD” and “S” codes so you can receive commissions on all those your refer using your code numbers. When you have completed this and set up your monthly autoship order (minimum of $50 for your personal use. With your 30% discount that is just $35) you will qualify to receive a 20% commissions on all your sales and with your initial 10% off of your purchases you will be receiving a full 30% discount on your personal orders. Sell Anutra racks to homes and retailer of all kinds.
    Retail Direct Customers use special RD code to reduce prices by 35% at retail store checkout. All freight is paid by customer. Retail Direct Rack sellers receive a 10% commission on net sales. Each time your referrals place an order using your number you will immediately receive an email notifying you of the order they have placed so you can watch your business grow.Commissions will be mailed on the 15th of the following month.
    Note: Ongoing support for your success and answering your questions just call or email for prompt response.
  • This is the business card proven to open conversations and develop sales. When you offer someone “The World’s Healthiest and Best Tasting Chocolate Bar” with their first purchase you will continually grow your business! Your business card is very important and a great sales tool to approach new customers by offering them the World’s Healthiest And Best Tasting Chocolate Bar – FREE WITH FIRST PURCHASE.

To apply, please fill out this application form and send your completed w-9 form (provided below) to email address: [email protected]

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    Download IRS-W9-Form Here [129.05 KB]