One-of-a-Kind, Omega 3 Powder. The only Omega 3 food with a standard of identity with the FDA and a patented process to protect the wonderful nutrients of Anutra Super Grain. Our Omega 3 Powder makes all your nutrients absorb BETTER! Everyone can benefit from eating our Omega 3 powder. Whether you mix it into smoothies, or hot drinks, YES, ideal in coffee, hot chocolate and tea, your body will absorb the nutrients immediately due to the 2 micron size particle. Our research of a cell receptor showed that our Omega 3 Powder is the same size as the receptor thereby immediately absorbing into the cell. No digestion necessary! Energerize and Anutrasize! Refrigerate after opening.
1 Single Canister: 8.5 oz Value Pack: 3 lb Bag 1 case contains 4 / 8.5 oz canisters Gross Case Weight: 3lb 5oz   UPC: 101-82592-00045-7   Case Cube: 0.5004